The Who Viewed Your Profile App on Facebook
This morning, I received some invitations regarding an app that tells me that it allows me to monitor the Facebook users who are viewing my profile. This seems to be odd if you do know that there are tons of malicious app lurking on Facebook lately.

Unfortunately, this seems to be just another stupid app that was created and now gaining popularity on Facebook users.

The Stalking Issue Turned Feature

Prior to Facebook, a known social networking site known as Friendster had already applied this feature to their website on September 2005. This shows the people who have been visiting your profile and similarly friends or other Friendster users can see you if you stumble on their profile.

However, even if this feature is allowed on Friendster before, a user can then set his configurations to allow him to visit profiles anonymously. So the said feature that seems to be fun at start turned out to be more of online stalking.

Unfortunately, after Facebook users gone up, the said social networking site loses it's fame.

The Stalking Feature on Facebook

Facebook refer this feature as a form of "Stalking". There might be hundreds of apps telling that the said feature can be enabled on Facebook, but unfortunately it is NOT! These are all just hoax and these apps might be another malicious software waiting for you to allow them access your data.

See this link

Facebook does not allow apps or any groups to track any profile (timeline) views or see statistics on how often each pages are being viewed.

If any of these apps claims to provide this functionality, Facebook requests you to report it to them as soon as possible.

The Hacker Way

Though, I'm not closing any doors that this feature is "NOT POSSIBLE" at all. Programming wise, tracking is such a common word in the industry. With a proper algorithm, this is not far from impossible.

Now the question is, would you allow an unknown application to just browse on your online data even if the Facebook itself says that it is not allowed?


  1. Good thing I didn't bite on those invitations. I really hate all those spam.

  2. I am aware that such apps are bollocks. However as you mentioned it is not impossible for such feature to be already live on Facebook. As a matter of fact, Facebook uses "viewing a friend's profile" on their algorithm to detect your 'closeness' (aside from other Facebook interactions). When you open your Facebook chat, those who are above the More Friends Online are those who you often interact with. When you spotted someone there who you do not interact much, my theory is he/she is always creeping on your profile. Haha.

  3. same here.. not to mention all the game apps I receive as invitations... 

  4. Nice theory, actually I've heard that if you use the "Search" bar on the upper part of FB you can predict the same thing too... i mean people that often visits your profile.. but still it is a theory too.. :p

  5. I can't believe that people still fall for this type of obviously false App where there's no way to get this type of personal information from Facebook. Do not install Apps on Facebook without verifying them. If they don't come from a big company that is semi-reputable, be cautious. Most online privacy issues can be prevented by common sense. Particularly problematic for many people is seeing how they post personal information on social media, neglect to use privacy settings, and are surprised when their personal information is stolen weeks later. While you can be careful about what you post about yourself, you can't prevent other people from posting about you. Also problematic for people is how there are sites like where people post personal information about each that can't be removed. With Google making all of this information widely available, being vigilant about seeing what people can find out you is critical to maintaining your online reputation. Facebook can do a bit more to prevent people from accidentally messing up their own lives by encouraging more sensible defaults, but in the end people have to be smart about what they post about themselves online, and this doesn't solve all potential problems.
