Blog Review: Jim Syyap Copywriting

Blog Title: Jim Syyap Copywriting (
Owner: Jim Syyap
Genre: Internet Marketing
Platform: Blogger
Description: Jim Syyap Copywriting, Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Cross-Browser Test: Tested on the Following Browsers

  • ✓ Mozilla Firefox 8.X, 11.X
  • ✓ Safari 5.1.4
  • ✓ Chrome 17.X
  • ✓ IE8
  • ✓ IE7
  • ✓ Opera Mini
  • ✓ Dolphin Browser
* The site provides mobile template

Things Worth Mentioning

  • Good articles and I REALLY mean it
  • Images on posts
  • Customized Comment System (Intense Debate)

Things that Need Attention

  • Poor Design tends to become boring
  • No H1, a page needs at least one H1

Tips from BTT

Note that this tips are just suggestions given by the author, following is just your decision
  1. Look for a new design. You are wasting the contents of your site by your boring atmosphere

  2. Make the most out of spaces. A lot of space is like saying that "Hey! there is nothing in here!"
    Blog Review: Jim Syyap Copywriting - space wasting

  3. Learn to do teaser. There are lots of code that might help you do "auto-readmore". You may try this post as a guide - How to Add Auto Read More on Blogspot

  4. Adding a little more widgets to your blog may not affect that much on loading time, just make sure that you don't over do it.

BTT's Opinion for Jim Syyap Copywriting

Design 1/5 ★★★★
There is nothing wrong with minimal design but sometimes too plain is equivalent to boring. Looking at the site feels like I'm in a white walled room with no doors and windows. Just a tip, we are now leaving in an era where sites doesn't need to be just ordinary sites. Users and visitors needs action, a clicking move, a wow factor! Try adding more colors to your site and it would really help. Now if you're sticking with white, then I'll tell you a secret, in designing there are different kinds of white (dirty white, lightgrey, very light grey etc), though they may not be the whitiest white, I'm pretty sure that you'll find the right shade for you and achieve the same effect for your taste. :)

Branding 2/5 ★★★★★
What's with the banner? What was your blog all about? Though I love the tag line "Insider information on how you too, can grow your business with effective marketing" since it gives all the information that I need to know, the title itself was missing. Where is the title? The current banner appears to be an advertisement for me.

Content 5/5 ★★★★★
I'll give you a perfect score for this one. Taking your genre in consideration, I must say that you speak like a pro. Reading your blog teaches me a lot of things, You have a gold on your posts so make sure to make it shine even more!

Audience Impact 2/5 ★★★★★
Honestly I find it hard to judge this one since the statistics are confusing, why? It's because of this, you are using a blogger stats counter and as far as I know, the starting value of that could not be set. That means that the value 13K+ is the actual visitors you have for 5 months. Making a calculation, that means that you're getting a fair amount of visitors. But seeing your site, I find a less activity around it.

UPDATE: I just thought that blogger's statistic can be cheated by using the auto-refresh page script and setting the configuration to track your own IP.

Guest Judge Opinion for Jim Syyap Copywriting

Our guest judge for this time is "Ms. Minchin". She specializes on software and hardware support. Friends called her before as the Virus Defender and Grammar Police. Here is what she can say about Jim

DISCLAIMERThe views expressed in comments by the guest judge published on this blog site are those of the comment writers alone. They do not represent the views or opinions of Beneath the Tree, nor do they represent the views or opinions of, or any entity of, or affiliated with

Design 1/5 ★★★★
We consider less is beautiful however, being plain is another story. I understand that the blogger needs to be in a formal mood to send across his message effectively. nonetheless, the white background and the black font color did not help in achieving that mood. I suggest that you play around with different font sizes to emphasize valuable points. you might want to check malcolm gladwell's blog (, paulo coelho's blog (, daniel pink's blog (, just to name a few, on how they effectively use font sizes to attract reader's attention to read their entire posts.

Content 5/5 ★★★★★
The content is impressive. It is very informative. The blogger has superb writing skills.

Branding 1/5 ★★★★
Boring as if I am on a newspaper column. You have to be distinct from other marketing blog and you can only do it if you have your own brand that would represent you just like the swoosh in your cross trainers, the champion on your sleeves or the marker symbol on your fountain pen.

Audience Impact 2/5 ★★★★★
It did not catch my attention at first. You have to be catchy to get viewers. It would be better if the reader could get the gist of your post in 15 secs otherwise they won't bother to read it.

I'm a little confuse with this blog, my tools says that it is using IIS and ASP but the page is hosted on Blogger. Anyway, reading your content, I found a nice term called 5-second test. On what I know, it is the time needed to attract the user on what he or she is seeing. Taking that in mind, even though you have great contents, you will fail this one. I greatly recommend to read this review for your own good, and hope you take this one positively :)

Again this is just a friendly review from BTT. We aim for a better site and not to insult the owners and administrators. Whether you follow our tips and suggestions depend on your decision. Ciao!

Want to submit your own blog? simply fill-up the form on this page or read this post. Thank you, we'll be happy to review your sites for FREE!


  1. I love the code name! Ms. Minchin, notorious and dating!

  2. hahaha.. it was perfect for the role as guest judge! :)

  3. Great job. I liked the simplicity of her blog. Content really rocks! I'm following her. Thanks Aj. 

  4. Just wondering.. is Jim a girl?

  5. agree with the comments.. need to upgrade lang ng template niya!

  6. lol I was reading the other comment about the code name. hahahah sorry.

  7. i checked the blog too.the first thing i said to myself was "masakit sa mata. ' it's like you are looking at  a piece of white blank board and because of that reason ay aalis kaagad ang visitor without reading the content. 100% agree with the comments.

  8. Glad that we have the same insights on this. I feel sorry for the good contents that the visitors are missing once they leave because of the blog's atmosphere.

  9. Another great review! And I agree with all the inputs given. There you go Jim! 

  10. ms. minchin tlg... adeek k lng eiron...
