Error creating AIR file: error 306: descriptor support one of the following profiles: desktop mobileDevice, extendedMobileDevice, tv

This error arises when I used NativeProcess which is available only on extendedDesktop profile.


Add the desktop profile after the extendedDesktop making it:

<supportedProfiles>extendedDesktop desktop</supportedProfiles>

Other profiles used by Adobe AIR:

When this element is set, the application can only be packaged in the profiles you list. Use the following values:

  • desktop—The desktop profile
  • extendedDesktop—The extended desktop profile
  • mobileDevice—The mobile device profile
  • tv—The television profile
  • extendedTV—The extended television profile

The supportedProfiles element is optional. When you do not include this element in the application descriptor file, the application can be packaged and deployed for any profile. To specify multiple profiles in the supportedProfiles element, separate each with a space character.


  1. Yes,
    it solved the issue, thanks for your solution, but using this I am
    not able to access nativeProcess in .AIR installer. I have to create
    separate installer for MAC and Window . Is there  any way to access
    nativeProcess in .AIR installer.

    in advanced.

  2. I'm having the same problem
